Beaver County will be undergoing a county wide property tax reassessment in 2022 for the first time in 40 years. The reassessment will be conducted by Tyler Technologies and will attempt to correct an outdated (1982) current valuation system. Presently all residents of Beaver County pay property taxes based upon what the property was worth in 1982. The primary question for the Beaver County reassessment will be, "What is the fair market value of the property today (2022)?". Or in other words, what is the most probable selling price if the property was placed on the market for sale?
Here are some of the important considerations concerning the 2022 Beaver County Reassessment.
Beaver County Commercial properties are expected to see some of the largest property tax increases across the county and there are several reasons for this. First, they are the most difficult properties to assess. Often financial information is needed about the income of the commercial property in order to properly evaluate what the fair market value is. Commercial property owners should be careful about disclosing any financial information to the Beaver County Tax Office or Tyler Technologies and are NOT legally obligated to answer any questions. However, there are times in theory that disclosing vacancy issues could be helpful to the initial valuation of the property. Our position has always been that it is better to err on the side of withholding information until it is necessary to use. Worse, disclosing the wrong information, or information that you thought was helpful, could actually raise the property assessment and not lower it.
If commercial property owners in Beaver County are contacted to disclose information or for a site visit, they should contact an attorney for advice before agreeing to either of these. Commercial property owners are not required to disclose any information and do not have to allow access for any site visits by data collectors.
Beaver County commercial properties should also expect large property tax increases because commercial properties tend to receive the larger tax percentage increases when analyzing the 2002 and 2012 Allegheny County Reassessments (which were also performed by Tyler). In those reassessments, it was believed that the unpopular nature of reassessments tended favoring commercial property owner property taxes over residential property owners.
Data collectors will visit every single property in Beaver County to take measurements and talk with property owners. You are under no legal obligation to allow anyone on your property or to answer any questions about your property. Data collectors will verify items such as bedrooms, bathrooms, and general construction data such as grade and condition. If you are not home, the collector will leave a document asking the occupant to provide interior information. This is an optional response and you are not legally required to answer questions or respond to anyone.
While many property owners want to be nice to data collectors, the reality is that most of the properties in Beaver County are going to large property tax increases over what they were worth in 1982. Areas like Economy Borough are expected to realize some of the most significant property tax increases.
Property taxes will not be levied on new property assessments until the year 2023.
New Beaver County Property Assessments will be Mailed March 2022.
This new property tax value will be mailed to all commercial and residential owners beginning in March 2022. Informal value review meetings will be conducted by Tyler from April to June 2022. Once the official notice of the new reassessment is sent, property owners will have 40 (forty) days to file a formal property tax appeal with the Board of Assessment Revision. You are not required to attend an informal review in order to file a formal appeal with the Board of Assessment Revision. Applications for the Board of Assessment Revision are available at the Beaver County Property Assessor’s Office.
Since 1999, Our Pittsburgh firm has helped thousands of commercial and residential property owners save over $50 Million dollars in property assessments. This is not a guarantee but does demonstrate our experience in reducing property taxes. If you have questions about a Beaver County property tax appeal or questions about the Beaver County Reassessment, please do not hesitate to contact us at