If you are involved in an Allegheny County residential property tax appeal, there is the possibility that you will receive a letter from the school district asking to enter your property or even worse, enter your home. Before allowing this overt governmental intrusion just so they can raise your PA School Property Tax, you need to understand your rights, the risks, and the consequences.

Know Your Rights in a PA School Property Tax Appeal

Private Property cannot be trespassed on for the appeal

pa school property tax do no enter

The government (i.e. the school district) has no legal right to enter onto your property, let alone gain entrance into your home for the sole purpose of raising your PA school property tax. Any request should either be ignored or politely declined. School Districts will ask for entrance to your home or property for the purpose of obtaining an expert appraisal report justifying an increase to your Allegheny County property assessment.

Protect Yourself from Overvaluation

Contact Trustworthy Professionals to Protect Your Property

pa tax appeal protect your property

I have never heard nor seen a school district order an appraisal that concluded that a property was overvalued. Some property owners worry that if they decline the request, it will make the school district attorney angry and thus harm their PA School Property Tax appeal case. The opposite is true.

The advantage of denying access may matter most at the time of trial. If you deny access, but have your own expert examine your interior, you may have a strategic advantage on the battle of experts at the time of trial, if necessary.

If you the school district is asking to gain entrance, and you have questions, call Flaherty & Fardo for a free consultation concerning your PA school property tax appeal. We’ll work with you to achieve justice and your desired outcome.